We are LEE + REILLY Studio.
We created this space to explore & grow ideas.

Su-Jung Lee is an Artist, Vedic Meditation Teacher & Holistic Medicine Practitioner.

Jeremiah Forrest Reilly is an Architectural Designer, Denim Aficionado & Vedic Meditator.



M: +1 (347) 484-0046
IG: Truing_MindBodySoul
IG: BrooklynVedicMeditation
W: TruingHolistic.com


Our Office Location


M: +1 (347) 909-2879
IG: Plato734

W: Independent Architect 
currently working with
Studio Lyon Szot

Intentions & Ideas 

Hi, my name is Su-Jung & I teach anyone who is ready to learn to meditate with a simple technique that awakens within the source of infinite creative intelligence and is also the way to release stress from the physiology. 

The technique is empowering, builds self-confidence, expands your consciousness and access to innate capability. Once you've completed the foundations course, you'll be a self-sufficient meditator with a portable practice to take with you anywhere.

Take a moment to enjoy the video below. 

If you are curious and want to learn more, reach out and request a free Introductory Talk on Vedic Meditation. I'll answer your questions and tell you a bit about the method I teach. It may be just the thing you've been looking for.

Learn to Live in the Now, within the Flow, by introducing a simple twice daily practice that I can teach you in 4 days time. It will reactivate an innate ability that is the key to your own inner happiness and fulfillment. 
You deserve the best. 

Never feel unworthy or not justified in having the best.
I tell you, this is your heritage; but, you have to accept it.

You have to expect it; you have to claim it. To do so is not demanding too much.

Shri Brahmananda Saraswati
Guru Dev


Inspiring Minds

When we find something especially inspiring, we love to share.
There are as many paths toward awakening to our true nature. We create / curate our life's story. Have fun and don't take it all too seriously. Our greatest purpose is to live our lives with supreme joy and inspire it in others. It's simpler than you might imagine...

This film, Freedom you can not do this life wrong, by Nicolaj Pennestri follows Anand Mehrotra, Yoga Master, on a cinematic journey. 

I was lucky enough to be at Sattva, Anand's Yoga Academy in the spring of 2018 with my Vedic Meditation teacher, Thom Knoles. You'll get a taste of his teachings in this inspiring film. Any story of enlightenment begins with a spark of inspiration.

CHECK OUT : Thom Knoles

-Su-Jung Lee
Jeremiah's Choice:
from WAYS OF SEEING by Nitzan Hermon

See full article and diagrams (we love diagrams: ) by clicking on the summary image above.

Intro from Nitzan's article :

In the days of COVID and social unrest, many of us look for deeper connections. If before we could mix online relationships with offline communities, enjoying the affordability of the physical environment, and socially dancing with spaces, ideas, and people, the current situation can feel frustrating and limiting. Hours online can yield little in the way of creativity and meaningful connections.

As we move deeper into a new phase, I suspect that more networks, institutions, and conferences will keep building up their online gatherings and communities to satisfy frustrated global networkers.

As I meditated on in How to Build a Meta-Community, the solution might come from the nature of conversation itself rather than from any technological solution or editorial angle.

I am now calling ‘meta-community’ a ‘circle’ and asking: how might we move from the performative/personas/community to the transformative/persons/circles?



“Bad roads make good communes” 

Article from GQ:
The Last Glimpses of California's Vanishing Hippie Utopias

In Conversation with the History of Social Experiments

Rishi Nagar aims at continuing this exploration with the foundational and conceptual shift of Devotion as the impulse for seeking a relationship with Nature rather than an individualistic desire for “freedom.” 


In Progress

An Exchange Opportunity

In a small hamlet in Sullivan County called Callicoon Center, we are beginning a new chapter of CREATION. It will be called Rishi Nagar, a place for people to come and study advanced knowledge of Vedic Wisdom and commune with nature and the elements.

We are looking for people with expertise or experience in these areas :

* Alternative Energy Engineers
* Cooperative Foresters 
* Dowsers 
* Angel Investors
* Builders
* Landscape designers
* Architects / Artists 

If you're interested in helping create this unique space and becoming part of a community of like minded beings, reach out!

In exchange for your work, we can include a private introductory meditation course and access to land. 

Send us an email and introduce your self!
Then we can set up a time to chat.

Future Site of Retreat & Research Center at RISHI NAGAR.


Saigon - South Korea - Saudi Arabia - Bahrain - Manilla - United States - Beijing - United States

United States - Thailand - United States


If you are interested in cross-pollination, collabs or just hearing our news now & then, please share your deets!
since 2019